[02401] A low-degree normalized B-spline-like representation for Hermite osculatory interpolation problems
Session Time & Room : 1C (Aug.21, 13:20-15:00) @F310
Type : Contributed Talk
Abstract : This talk deals with Hermite's osculatory interpolating splines. For a partition of a real interval
endowed with a refinement consisting in dividing each subinterval into two small subintervals, we
consider a space of smooth splines with super-smoothness at the vertices of the initial partition, and
of the lowest possible degree. A normalized B-spline-like representation for the considered spline
space is provided. In addition, several quasi-interpolation operators based on blossoming and
control polynomials have also been developed. Some numerical tests are presented and compared
with some recent works to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach.