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[01924] Mixed Leader-Follower Dynamics

  • Session Time & Room : 1E (Aug.21, 17:40-19:20) @F309
  • Type : Contributed Talk
  • Abstract : The original Leader-Follower (LF) model partitions all agents whose opinion is a number in $[-1,1]$ to a follower group, a leader group with a positive target opinion in $[0,1]$ and a leader group with a negative target opinion in $[-1,0]$. A leader group agent has a constant degree to its target and mixes it with the average opinion of its group neighbors at each update. A follower has a constant degree to the average opinion of the opinion neighbors of each leader group and mixes it with the average opinion of its group neighbors at each update. In this paper, we consider a variant of the LF model, namely the mixed model, in which the degrees can vary over time, the opinions can be high dimensional, and the number of leader groups can be more than two. We investigate circumstances under which all agents achieve a consensus. In particular, a few leaders can dominate the whole population.
  • Classification : 37N99, 05C50, 91C20, 93D50, 94C15
  • Format : Talk at Waseda University
  • Author(s) :
    • Hsin-Lun Li (National Sun Yat-Sen university )
    • Hsin-Lun Li (National Sun Yat-Sen university )