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[00576] Modeling the Dispersion of Effluents Discharged into Tidally Coastal Waters

  • Session Time & Room : 3C (Aug.23, 13:20-15:00) @D402
  • Type : Contributed Talk
  • Abstract : Mixing and dispersion of effluents discharged under the spring neap tidal oscillations are studied analytically on a flat seabed and a uniformly sloping bed. The solutions of two-dimensional advection-diffusion equations are presented graphically to visualize and analyze the spreading of effluent plumes in coastal waters, following discharges from a single sea outfall, multiple outfalls, and multiport diffusers, to showcase the model applications of marine outfall systems for disposal from industrial plants in the far field.
  • Classification : 76Rxx, 35Q35, 76-10
  • Format : Talk at Waseda University
  • Author(s) :
    • Anton Purnama (Sultan Qaboos University)
    • Ahmed Al-Kasbi (University of Technology and Applied Sciences)