[00532] Pullback Operator Methods in Dynamical Systems: Theory and Computation
Session Time & Room : 4C (Aug.24, 13:20-15:00) @G502
Type : Contributed Talk
Abstract : Koopman operator methods along with the associated numerical algorithms have provided a powerful methodology for the data-driven study of nonlinear dynamical systems. In this talk, we will give a brief outline of how the Koopman group of operators can be generalized beyond function spaces to the space of sections of various vector bundles over the state space. We describe their relationship with the standard Koopman operator on functions as well as describe the new spectral invariants produced by these generalized operators. We then demonstrate how the recently developed spectral exterior calculus framework can be utilized to compute the spectral properties of the generator of the induced operator on sections of the cotangent bundle. We conclude with some applications of the algorithm to some well-known dynamical systems.