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[00374] Recent numerical and theoretical advances in the study of matrix sequences

  • Session Time & Room : 2E (Aug.22, 17:40-19:20) @G305
  • Type : Contributed Talk
  • Abstract : We present recent developments in the study of the spectral behaviour of structured matrix sequences. For example, all PDE discretizations, such as FEM, FDM, and DGM, generate these types of sequences. We will mainly discuss matrix-less methods for non-Hermitian sequences, where the generating symbol does not describe the eigenvalue distribution; we can now numerically approximate, with high accuracy, the spectral symbol describing the eigenvalue distribution. Standard double precision eigenvalue solvers typically fail for these matrices.
  • Classification : 15Axx, 35Pxx, 65Fxx
  • Format : Talk at Waseda University
  • Author(s) :
    • Sven-Erik Ekström (Uppsala University)