[00074] Chaos in multidimensional disordered nonlinear lattices
Session Time & Room : 5B (Aug.25, 10:40-12:20) @E802
Type : Contributed Talk
Abstract : We study the mechanisms of energy transport in multidimensional heterogeneous lattice models, studying in particular the case of the Klein-Gordon model of coupled anharmonic oscillators in one and two spatial dimensions. We perform an extensive numerical investigation of the dynamics of the considered model revealing (i) the effects of the type of the impurity (heterogeneity) parameter on the systems' transport properties and classify the transport mechanisms of the nonlinear versions of the models into various dynamical regimes. (ii) that for it's nonlineaar version, chaotic transport persists and (iii) chaotic hotspots meander in the region of energy concentration supporting the spreading mechanism of energy.